My Work With Women

Whether she’s 22 or 52, nearly every woman I’ve worked with has shared the same feeling, “I want more!” Deep within so many of us is a yearning; a desire for something that feels out of our reach. But, what is this feeling? Where does it come from? And, most importantly, how do we find the answer?

My job is to help you find what your “more” is. But, what does that mean?

Here are a few of the recurrent themes I hear resounding in the walls of my office:

  • I miss the old me. Where did she go? Does she still exist? How do I get her back?
  • I’m smart, successful and have everything I ever wanted… Why don’t I feel satisfied?
  • How do I get people to hear me? How do I have a voice at work or at home and not look or feel like a bitch?
  • I feel like I’ve given everything I have to everyone else. What about me? Where do I fit into my own life?

My contemporary approach to counseling challenges the standard of what therapy “should be” and helps women find their “more” in life. I specialize in working with women who are ready to leave behind antiquated stereotypes about who and what they should be—women who feel driven and who desire to feel empowered. I help women through anxiety, depression, relationship issues, and provide life coaching support that cultivates confidence and purpose.

Why Work With Me?

I coach women on how to effectively communicate what their wants, needs, and desires are so they can get more of what they want in their lives. That’s why you’re here. I’ll help you identify what you need to grow and to overcome the guilt, past hurts, and negative patterns which get in your way. Women are so beautifully complicated—we stay stuck because of life’s responsibilities, motherhood, our careers and thinking we have to do it all. We are always questioning and putting others before ourselves.

Together, let’s find a thoughtful and useful way to tap into your desire for “more” in order to help you live a life reflective of your genuine core self. Are you ready to find your “more”?


My relationship with my clients is everything—if we don’t click then nothing is going to happen. Let’s set up a free consultation to find out if this would be the right fit for you. I know that picking up the phone takes courage, so I promise to schedule a meeting with you as soon as possible. Call me anytime or use the contact form on my site to get in touch.

PHONE: 314.309.2499



You can review Michelle Steeg's specialties, treatment approach, and qualifications at Psychology Today.